Projekt: Recikliranje gips-kartonskih ploča
Nositelj projekta: CEW Inženjering d.o.o. Dragutina Rakovca 17, 10000 Zagreb
Vrijednost projekata: 120.000 €
Iznos potpore: 52.050 €
Case number: 2023/364052
Djelatnost naše firme je upravljanje radnim procesima i resursima. Za suhu gradnju upotrebljavaju se gips-kartonske ploče. Prilikom gradnje ostaje određenja količina neiskorištenog materijala uslijed krojenja. Taj neiskorišteni materijal postaje otpad koji se nema gdje propisno i prilagođeno odložiti. Istraživanjima s drugih tržišta uočili smo mogućnosti prerade tih ostataka od gips-kartonskih ploča. Mi bismo zbrinjavali neiskorišteni materijal (otpad) koji bi potom pomoću korpe za drobljenje usitnili i preradili u novi proizvod. Time bismo riješili problem neprimjerenog bacanja građevinskog materijala i zagađivanja okoliša. Lokacija našeg pogona za prikupljanje otpada bila bi u gradu Zagrebu, gdje se i stvara najviše ostataka. Na taj način bismo jednostavno i brzo omogućili propisno odlaganje materijala.
Nakon prikupa otpadnog materijala s raznih gradilišta preradili li bismo ga pomoću korpe za drobljenje u formiranom prostoru za preradu gips-kartonskih ploča. Tim usitnjavanjem i razdvajanjem kartona dobili bismo gips koji bi se mogao ponovno koristiti kao sirovina između ostalog i kao poboljšivač tla.
Kako bismo uspješno započeli proces prerađivanja gips-kartonskih ploča potreban nam je formirani proizvodni prostor i strojevi za izvršavanje procesa.
Ukupni trošak prve faze projekta iznosi 120.000,00 € od kojih prihvatljivih troškova 94.656,00 € od toga bespovratno 52.050,00 €.
Kupnjom tog stroja i formiranjem poslovnog prostora u hali omogućili bi proširenje naših djelatnosti i povećali naša primarna primanja.
Trajanje projekta svibanj 2023.g do travanj 2024.g
Napravljen je poslovni plan kojim je formiran poslovni proces kojim će se zaprimati i prerađivati gips-kartonske ploče u hali.
U formiranom proizvodnom procesu će se gips-kartonski ostaci razvrstavati i usitnjavati, zatim će se usitnjavanjem formirati novi proizvod koji će se pakirati u jumbo vreće te dostavljati kupcima.
Project: Recycling Process of Gypsum Plasterboard
Project manager: CEW Inženjering d.o.o. Dragutina Rakovca 17, 10000 Zagreb
Project value: €120,000
Grant amount: €52,050
Case number: 2023/364052
The activity of our company is the management of work processes and resources. Gypsum-cardboard boards are used for dry construction. During construction, a certain amount of unused material remains due to tailoring. This unused material becomes waste that has nowhere to be properly and appropriately disposed of. Through research from other markets, we noticed the possibilities of processing those remains from plasterboard panels. We would dispose of the unused material (waste) which would then be shredded and processed into a new product using a crushing basket. This would solve the problem of inappropriate disposal of building materials and environmental pollution. The location of our waste collection facility would be in the city of Zagreb, where the most waste is generated. In this way, we would simply and quickly enable the proper disposal of the material.
After collecting the waste material from various construction sites, we would process it using a crushing basket in the area created for the processing of plasterboard panels. By shredding and separating the cardboard, we would get gypsum that could be reused as a raw material, among other things, and as a soil improver. In order to successfully start the process of processing gypsum-cardboard panels, we need a formed production space and machines to carry out the process.
The total cost of the first phase of the project amounts to €120,000.00, of which €94,656.00 are eligible costs, of which €52,050.00 are non-refundable. By purchasing that machine and creating a business space in the hall, they would enable the expansion of our activities and increase our primary income.
Project duration May 2023 to April 2024
A business plan was created, which formed a business process that will receive and process plasterboard panels in the hall.
In the established production process, plasterboard scraps will be sorted and shredded, then a new product will be formed by shredding, which will be packed in jumbo bags and delivered to customers.